Friday, June 08, 2007

Recipe for a Successful School Year

a co-op poem created by sixth grade students during their first week of school

First, place nice teachers in a bowl.
Add well-behaved students.
Fill desks with pencils, markers, scissors, colored pencils, paper, and folders.
Add a couple brains and a Tablespoon of friendship. Add some kindness.
Combine with math facts.
Stir into full desk.
Bake for a year. Take out of oven.
Cut into 30 pieces. Sprinkle with focus.
Serve to 30 people and


Marcia (MeeAugraphie) said...

I cracked up at the brains line. The kids did a great job on these. I noticed in both, teachers of the good time (nice and gingerbread) were an important ingredient.

Daisy said...

So true! Every single year the kids show me in some way that it's important that they have "nice" teachers.